
Darail's Myers-Briggs personality type is INTP the thinker & ISFP the artist. Darail is a charismatic charming introvert. A Sigma-male. Because of his deep seeded feeling of always feeling misunderstood & alone, he always likened himself to being an alien, black-sheep or black-swan. Darail is a very interesting person.

People are usually intimidated by his aura and demeanor. He has zero tolerance for disrespect and disloyalty. That being said he's a lover and only a fighter when it's necessary. Darail joined the Air-Force in 2016 & Unfortunately he recieved a honorable discharge after 1 year do to health concerns. He feels that short amount of time in the military was a life changing experience. Darail earned his trauma-specialist certification through the I.A.O.T.R.C. & his Life Coaching Certification with Emily Rivera the Angel Coach. Describing him is not a easy task. There’s so many different sides of him. He's usually very quiet, kind of always in his own world. He's always listening to music, or meditating & thinking.