Darail Indra Payne

- SPIRITUAL Life Coach

-Certified Trauma Specialist


-Certified Yoga Teacher

Spiritual Person



-Poet- Philosopher

Aspiring Author

& film maker

Jack of all trades

master of a few








🐰When it Comes to being a Life Coach, being someone who identifies as a spiritual person. Being someone who is into Exercising, & yoga, & meditation, & writing, & dancing, & science, & art. Being a certified trauma specialist, Being someone who has some experience in the military aswell as everything else that your into & being the spirit that you are. What are some benefits of having you as my Black Swan life coach Darail…?

Chapter 1

**Banana Orange Smothie**


👽That's a good question…It honestly depends on the intention of the (person-spirit-human) that im (speaking-listening) to. That's to broad of a question for me to answer entirely. I would be (talking-writing) all day if I answered that question entirely.

That would be like asking… What are some benefits of eating healthy,

drinking healthy,

cutting out 95% of processed foods from my diet,

exercising regularly,

getting a 2 hour theraputic massge Twice a month

from a beautiful.



relaxing, smoking

banana 🍌🍊 breeze canna weed oil all day,

getting a massage from another beautiful massuse being stress free? I would be (writing-talking) for days…

My (goal-job-intention) is very simple.

My (job-intention-goal)

as the Coach, as your

black-swan life coach,

is ultimately to have a

Client centered

approach to



from within

by using Science

based techniques

aswell as helping


flip the coin.

One day I'll Write a book called…

Flip the coin.

Overall Being a Artist, C.T.S, yogi, spiritually minded person…..

Gives me such a beautiful, rich, deep, deep (view-sense-understanding.)


🐰OK soooooo…… What do you mean Spiritual Person Darail? You mean like Religious? Are you religious?

Chapter 2

***Gold Diamond***


👽 I have nothing against

religions or



I feel that religion

is beautiful. To me, some of the key differences between the two are… Religions, mostly

seem to focus on a organized set of beliefs

& or practices shared by a community or group.

Spirituality seems to focus on a mind set of

understandings of peace,

purpose, the meaning of life,

& a deep connection with all life.

Plant life, animal life, human life,



from my view point

(mostly) focuses on what is

believed, as opposed to what is



(Faith-beliving) is sometimes more important then understanding. There is no down side to a coin, both sides are (equally-important.)

I believe N




Chapter 3

***Indra's Light***

Amaterasu the Owl Spirit:

🦉🪶 “In the yoga world, a person's inner Highest-Self is the light within them…” In Sanskrit life Energy translates to the English word breath. Prana-yama in Sanskrit means control of Life Energy. Prana is essentialy (breath-life energy) Yama is control. Pranayama - Control of Life Energy.


🐰Safe to Express..?

Chapter 4

**Spiders & Monkeys**


👽Of course, you can do whatever you want.

I've spoken to so

many beautiful

people, different

colors, shapes,


Not just as a

coach but person

to person.



police officers,







all types of (humans-people.)

👽One thing that all of these


share in common is,

1- they're all



They always tell me they feel comfortable opening up, because they feel like I'm not Judging-them.

Women especially.

👽 Sometimes during





say things like,

I've never shared that with anyone, not even my

(closest-friends, lover or family.”)


🐰Yeah I Know …

I've known you for 13

years, and I've never

met anyone like you.


seem to have some type

of enlightened energies

about you. You always

ask me random

Questions that gives me

goosebumps & such a

mix of emotions.

Thank you (Indra-Darail). You are definitely my weirdest friend, but in a good way.

Wassup with you &


Why are you so weird?

Maybe you are a alien.

What's your fascination

with sand?

What's that about?

Chapter 5

**Biting a Fruit


Footprints in the sand**


👽“Sand gives me perspective.

Would you like to know something interesting?

In the universe there are more planets

then there are blades of grass on planet Earth. There are more moons

then there are leaves on every plant and tree on planet Earth. The sun, which is a star, is so big, 1 million Earth's can fit inside it. The Biggest Star known,

UY SCUTI, is so big that 5 billion suns,

which is a star, can fit inside it. There are more stars in the universe then there are grains of sand on planet Earth. & Earth has a lot of fucking sand. Not a lot of sand, but a lot of fucking sand. Those are two different types of measurements of sand.

There are hundreds of billions with an s,

of stars and planets in a galaxy. Us, meaning humans, live in the Milky-Way Galaxy. In the universe, there are hundreds of billions with an s,

of galaxies,

with an s, each containing hundreds with an s,

of billions of stars and planets.

A galaxy is a cluster of billions upon billions upon billions of stars, planets, solar systems

with an s, & (gasses-dust) all held together by gravity. I could go on & on.

If I asked someone to count to just 1 billion without stopping to sleep, eat, or move, it would take roughly 33 years. Someone who isn't even 30 years young would still be counting if they started upon birth on second 1 of there birth and didnt stop for any reason.

Alina 🐰 Do you believe in

soul mates…?

Darail 👽 I believe souls can mate on a soul connection level. I'm not really sure if I believe in the you are my soul mate thing honestly.

When our souls mate

I feel that your design Alina,

is the most beautiful design, and my favorite design out of every women that I've ever known.

I believe our


are like snow-flake designs. No


has the same design as another.

The (emotions-feelings,) that I experience

when im with you is 1 of many reasons why I love you.

I learn more from you then you would probably believe if I really


to you.

Another thing that I love about you is the way you say the word go.

You say

go as if its a

2 or 3

syllable word.

You say go'o'o,

like your climbing


a latter…….

It sounds like your

biting a fruit.

Alina 🐰 Maybe me and you are soul mates Darail..!

Sometimes when you look for something

it blinds you from being able to see

what's right in front of you.

Just relax, take a deep breath,

forget about the past, don’t think

about the future,

just be present.

Extend your consciousness

& Open your senses.

Being present is one of the hardest things for people to do.

Darail 👽 Sometimes when you speak I

Experience your


by hearing colors.

Your gaze forces

me to be present.

Its so intense, if I

describe it with 1


the word is


Eres una mujer

hermosa mi amor,

y tu tienes una


espiritu tambien.


I just learned

something about

myself thanks.

Alina, I honor the

light, love, & spirit

within you

aswell as your

mind &


So yes we are

soul mates in a way.

We are inter-woven like

prayer beads.

That sounds romantic but that's not my intention.

Would you like to know something Interesting. In the Bible, the word satan isn't actually the name of a person. (Ha satan) in Hebrew means the adversary, the adversary can be interpreted as an enemy or opponent. That being said an opponent isn’t always an enemy. Satan is a word to describe someone, like the satan or the satans with an s. Satans was a way to describe the enemy. They were known as the satans. Today in modern time, the satans, would be anyone who is clearly an enemy to you. The Abuser, user, freak, exploiter, serial killer, trickster, con-artist, even slanderous gossipers. Someone who's the enemy, the snake in the grass.

Snakes love bunny rabbits.

Especially abusers & users.

You are the perfect type of person that users & abusers are attracted to.

Narcaccistic people love you for that reason.

Your like a Narcaccist wet dream Alina.

That's 1 of the reasons why I'm so protective over you.

Alina 🐰 If I was a snake I would be a cute snake, and I'm Russian American not Hispanic, I don't understand Spanish. King Von is a serial killer, do you think I shouldn't listen to his music.?

Darail 👽 King Von is dope,

definitely one of the

most talented


that I've ever heard.

At the end of the


you can do

whatever you


Personally I

stopped listening

to him because

I don't want to listen

to affirmations of

a serial killer,

but he's dope as an

artist the way he paints

his stories.

Shout out to Lil Reese,

Chief Keef,

R.I.P Fredo Santana,

R.I.P King Von

& R.I.P all the people

that Von killed,

God Bless all there families,

the siblings of the victims, the heart broken mothers, 💔 the fathers, the friends….


🐰Do you really think I'm smart? I don't feel all that smart & your always talking about things I've never heard of.

Chapter 6

*** Synesthesia ***


👽 Yes I think your


This is how I see it…

let's say a squirrel,

were to judge the intelligence

of a fish based on the

fish's ability to climb a tree.

The Squirrel would



and think that the Fish 🐟

might not be that Smart,

and the fish 🐟

you Alina,

would be convinced by the


that you aren't that smart

at all.

How would that fish 🐟

live there life with that

limiting belief.?

Not knowing they're really a

(fish-genius.) 🐟 🐠 🐡

Fish don't climb tree's,

squirrels do,

not fish, find one

that does then call me

when you do.


🐰 I see…. There's different

ways to decide what's

Considered smart and

not smart. Like a person

whose a chef is smart

and so is the person paying

The chef to cook

(me-them-us) a meal.

Darail 👽 Exactly…



your a

(fish-genius) is because

your unique.

Your a individual.

There's only 1 Alina

Not 2.

Not only, are you a



you are…

A color, that I've

never seen before…


What are you..?

Chapter 7

**The Color of you**

🐰 Alina B.

Yeah… Same goes

to you..… Your definitely

a color that I've never seen


What's your personal

biggest goal in life?

Chapter 8

**Coconut Water & Marijuana**


👽 To live life with the understanding that everyone and everything is sacred. Including plants and animals. It doesn't mean I like everyone. Especially toxic people. It's a awareness type of (experience-feeling-emotion.)

Would you like to

know something


The greek word angelos, translates to the English word angel. Angelos means messenger or heavenly-being.

(Angelos-angels) spoke to the humans & delivered messages, directly from the highest.

The highest

or so called Highest, in religions is called God. The Hebrew word malah, translates to the English word angel. (Malah-angel) in Hebrew, means (messenger-malah) or intermediary. Ancient spiritual teachings through-out the world including mainstream religions have had a messenger,

or messengers, with an s, that has always delivered (message-messages)

all through out recorded history of (man-woman-kind.)

The Ancient Astronaut Theory says replace the word (angels-malah) with (extraterrestrials-beings from other planets) and we have a completely different interpretation & (message-story.) The

(messeges) are often over looked & misinterpreted by (people-humans) understandably because humans aren't perfect.

To be perfect means, to not have (Khata-sin.)

In Hebrew, khata, means, to fail or miss the goal… So the question is 1, what is my biggest life goal? & now 2, what is khata, or to miss the goal? 3, What is the goal that humans shouldn't (fail-miss.)

& now 4 what is the message? Also (Mrs. Mr.) Jesus in Christianity was born without the Spirit of (Sin-khata) & was the embodiment of not (failing the goal-Sin-khata) which is why (he-she) (was-is) perfect.

The message is, every being, from the bumble-bee 🐝 to the human-being, plants, all life on Earth aswell as out -side of EarthAre all Divine-sacred beings that should be treated with honor and respect, looked at and viewed as such. Hinduism - says Any other view is simply just a misunderstanding. In the Hebrew B.i.b.l.e (Christianity) basic instructions before leaving Earth, on page 1, meaning the very first page - says a failure to do so translates to a word known as khata. The Hebrew word khata, means, to fail, or miss the goal. In English, khata, translates to a word called sin. A failure to see people, plants, animals, extraterrestrials, (all beings-life) as such is (khata-sin) missing the human-goal. This is on page # 1… Not missing the goal, through the (eyes-ears-senses) that I see and understand the (world-life) is Honestly my biggest life goal. Any other view is a misunderstanding.

Aside from that… Learning how to sing on a professional level. I already know how to Dance on a professional level. Learning Fluent (Spanish,-Español.) Owning (Dance-music studios,) Owning restaurants, creating a top tier Anime. Owning my own brand of tea. Vibing in the studio with my favorite artist. Doing things that feel good to me. Good to my spirit, mind, body, health, wealth.

Recieving a 10 hour massage by 20 different (Massuse's) that ro-tate in pairs every hour on the hour, while I Smoke weed the whole time, only to stop, so I can go to the restroom, and take Coconut water breaks is my other goal amongst many.

Alina 🐰How long do you think

that will take?

Darail 👽 It depends.

It's a life long journey. Some goals I accomplish faster then others.

Chapter 9

**Moon Yagami & Misa Misa**

I’ll try my hardest to make

you love me… ❤️ I promise

Misa Amane.. Death Note

Chapter 10

**Studio Sessions**

*Gave love bout 100 tries*

Just running from the demons in your

mind, then I took, yours & madeem


*I didn't notice cuz my love was blind*

HalseyWithout you

Darail Indra Payne

👽- The contrast of (love-abuse) is 1 of many reasons humans get addicted to abusive relationships. 💔 The (client-human) becomes addicted to the abuser, even though there is (emotional-physical) abuse because of many reasons… 1… Belief systems. 2… Reward systems. 3… The contrast of the (love-abuse) creates addictive hormones-chemicals sensations in the brain, nervous system, body, & belief system that (disregulates-changes)

or supports the (clients-humans) inner circuitry & or belief system. a.k.a- (trauma-bonding) But not always trauma bonding. Being gentle causes such a pleasant sensation. (Abuse-pain) causes such a un-pleasent sensation.

An example of contrast is like, take a Sweet pineapple piece place a Spicy jalapeño slice on top then wrap a Salty savory bacon strip around it. Take a bite then eat it.

The End

I enjoyed painting these literary pictures for you. If it feels good to you, it must be good for you. At the same time, not (everything-everyone) that feels good to you, is necessarily good for you. Shout out to Alina.


Disclaimer****What ever someone chooses to believe or not believe is there own personal choice. What you think or believe has nothing to do with me. 1 thing that I don’t do is push my own personal beliefs on others. I have other things to do.

Darail Indra Payne

Black Swan Coaching


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