Darail Indra Payne
-Life Coach
-Certified Trauma Specialist
-Certified Yoga Teacher
Jack of all trades
master of a few
🐰…………. What are some benefits of having you as my Black Swan life coach …?
What is your main focus as a coach.?
You talk about Narc-is-sism alot,
*what is Narc-is-sism.?
*What's a Trauma Specialist.?
*What's narcissistic abuse.?
*What are limiting beliefs. ?
*Why do you drink so much tea. ? 🍵
🐰- You remind me of uncle Iroh…
Why do you believe that we live in a simulation.?
Why do you work out so much.?
Chapter 1
**Banana Orange Smoothie**
D. Indra Payne
👽… My main focus as a coach is to promote inner peace and clarity of the mind and spirit from within you. This could apply to any human-being that is breathing, but to be more specific… God wants me to focus my (skills-talents) on specifically 1 group of people so my focus would be trauma survivors of childhood abuse. (Sexual abuse) (physical abuse) (narcissistic abuse) (neglect) (childhood abuse)
Anyone that has a connection with any type of childhood abuse/trauma that affects them today as a teenager or adult I am your coach. We will do the inner work together ❤️ to help overcome the affects of your childhood trauma/abuse so that you can live a happier better life. Remember - messaging is 100% free - my current ig handle is.
If My intention of my focus resonates with you their is no point as to read anything further. The short story below is a fun short story of dialogue between myself and Alina. The name Alina replaces the name of my friend aswell as happens to be the name of my favorite artist 🎨 in the Genra of music. That being said, I'm always changing things Within the story. & it's not complete. My plan is to flood the story with eye 👁 opener information & aweness 1 step at a time. Now for the fun part -
👽… People always ask me whats a Narcissist.? Narcissism is essentialy a mental health disorder. Someone that has borderline NPD would be high on the scale because they have NPD.
NPD stands for narcissistic personality disorder. Narc-is-sism is a scale of low on the scale - to high on the scale.
When I am speaking about Narc-is-sism Im mostly always referring to someone who's high on the scale.
Romantically speaking lets establish & make 1 thing clear… I personally would never be in a romantic relationship with someone that is a (Vampire-narc-is-ist)… The reason is because Narcissists are users & abusers…
Even if She is a billionaire, I wouldn't sacrifice my health & wellbeing to have a relationship with a Narcissist. Health is wealth… If I am trying to establish a relationship with the person of my interest once I recognize that she is a Vampire, I mean Narcissist, that's the end of our relationship… Narcissists love those that praise, idolize, worship them & tolerate their abuse, manipulation, & lies… Someone that doesn't is of 0 interest to the vampire… Their are many different types of toxic people, even if someone isn't technically considered a Narcissist- toxic is still toxic. Some alcohol is stronger than others.
Narcissist are users & abusers, toxic people that draw their energy of life from the tree of confusion, spiritually speaking…
Narcissist meaning vampires are confused & 1 of the reasons being in a romantic relationship with them circulates the cycle of abuse is because of the vampires nature… Narcissist are confused & confuse those around them, especially honest kind hearted people like Jesus of Nazareth… That's 1 of the reasons in the Bible, B.i.b.l.e basic instructions before leaving Earth that God told Jesus aswell as myself to Seperate yourself from your hometown it will awaken you my son… That being said most people are unaware of Narcissism & narcissistic abuse…
👽… According to the (DSM-5) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders… The criteria of diagnosising N.P.D are as follows -
(Persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. Present in various contexts across different social situations since early adulthood.)
At least 5 of the following traits are present.
👽… 1 - Grandiose sense of self importance. 2 - Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. 3 - Believe that they are special and unique. (Believes that they could only be understood by or only associte with other special or high status people.)
4 - Needs for excessive admiration.
5 - Sense of entitlement.
6 - Lack of empathy. 1 thing all narcissists have in common is they all lack empathy. (Or at least healthy empathy. Sympathy and Empathy are two different things.)
👽… 7 - Interpersonally exploitative. Takes advantage of others to achieve goals. (Which is very easy for someone that lacks empathy.)
8 - Envy of others or believes others are envious of them.
9 - Arrogant and haughty attitudes and behaviors.
👽… Note: * The symptoms must be pervasive, and persistent, affecting multiple area's of the individuals life. * The diagnosis should not be made if the symptoms are primarily related to another mental disorder. For example Dexter from Dexter Original Sin is not classified as a narcissist. Dexter is classified as a Psychopath that clearly has narcissistic traits.
I admit sometimes I use the word Narcissist to much. Toxic is a more accurate way to describe toxic behavior.
Fun Fact Alina……. Chocolate 🍫 & Cocaine
Come from the same plant…
Chocolate comes
Seeds of the Cocoa Plant…
Cocaine comes from Leaves of the Coaca Plant.
I only take weed sometimes when it comes to
(Medicines's - Drugs)
Also… Alcohol lowers your Vibration… Which is
1 of the reasons I don't drink
Alcohol… That's
Just me…….. I don't judge though…
Everything vibrates Alina…
Every Living thing……
Vegetables… 👽
Every thing living vibrates & is alive………
Which is why
No human-being or living
Being from the blade of grass
The Black Widow Spider
The Bumble-bee
To the Human-being
To the Killer Whale
Has more value then
The next……. Any other view is simply just
what we eat is important…
The higher your vibration
The higher you vibrate…
Love ❤️ is the highest Vibration…
Fear, Grief, Shame, Disgust, Trauma… Are
The lowest Vibration's………..
Vibrations is such a interesting topic…
👽 Also…….
Every feeling & Emotion
We experience as humans beings are experiences…
Some experiences are pleasant some experiences are
Un pleasent… When we have these experiences we
Subconsciously & Consciously tell our selves stories
& beliefs… The more we tell ourselves these stories
& beliefs the more we build those muscles & habits
& beliefs & understanding's
About those stories & beliefs…
A body
Beliefs that we have about ourselves that
Don't serve us are called Limiting Beliefs…
Beliefs we have about ourselves that serve us
Are called Limitless Beliefs.
As an Example…… Pleasent experiences causes
pleasent beliefs…. Which is 1 of many
Reasons why
Love is the highest Vibration….
Love is the highest Vibration.
Also in Sanskrit there's 96
For the word Love.
In English there's Only 1……
Love is Honestly the Answer to so
Much… So much……
Also there's no such thing as
Good feelings or bad feelings…
feelings & emotions are 2 different things
Like (gold-silver) but when I say feelings in
Or emotions separately I mean both as do most
people. There's no such thing as Good or bad feelings
Including fill in the blank_______________.
(Feelings-emotions) are just data..
Data… When we experience the data we determine
if its good or bad based on many things…
1 of the ways we label them as good or bad is
The (feeling-emotion) of pleasant
Unpleasant. Some unpleasant
(feelings-emotions-experiences) are
Heart break 💔
Pain… not just physical pain but
Emotional pain…
These experiences we label as bad but
They're just data……. It's just an experience…
That being said
Telling your self it's just
An experience will do you little good.
Good experience or bad experience…
Call it what you will, pain is pain…….
Love is Love… Also
Time Doesn't exist when it comes to
Which is 1 of many reasons
…….. Time doesnt heal all
Wounds especially Trauma wounds & Grief,
We just learn to live with the pain. At the same
time Time does heal all wounds Especially
Trauma wounds
👽What was the Question?
Alina 🐰 ……….. Coaching…
Darail 👽……………….. (Wright-right)
By having regular sessions with me you're going to have a better sense of inner peace & have clear thinking, that's guaranteed… Say goodbye to a cloudy mind ☁️ & a cloudy heart 🖤 … I could end this quote on quote, short (story-description) right now but, that would be no fun…
Personally I believe if everyone has clear thinking & inner peace the world will be a better place… Sometimes people make decisions that cost them their lives, or decisions that spread to others like a deadly poison,
& I think to myself, I wonder what could Have influenced that person not to pull the trigger…?
Or what could have influenced that person to open their heart chakra 🌙 & not be in such a dark place…
Your Black Swan life Coach
can help in many ways aside from having clear thinking, inner peace, & helping you open up your
heart chakra. 🖤 🌙
some include…
1… Healing from Within
3… Counting your blessings…
(Comparison is the thief of joy)
4… Helping you Heal from (Toxic-Abusive-Narcissistic) Relationships…. Working with you in 1 on 1 sessions to help you overcome the affects of Narcissistic abuse…
5… Having Someone to Talk to
6… Purpose
7… Help you Gain Clarity with
fill in the Blank____________
8… Overcome Limitting Beliefs__ example__
__I'm not worthy, I'm bad, I'm unlovable__
Which is a major limiting belief people gain after
Having relationships with (Toxic-Narcissistic)
Also most people who are in or have been
in abusive relationships didnt know & probably
still dont Know because abuse especially emotional
abuse is very hard to Identify &
recognizing the
Abuse/Toxicity/Trauma …
9… Motivation…
Fun Fact- In Hinduism/Buddhism
Nirvana is the Highest Spiritual state that
Can possibly be Achieved…
👽 ……….
Diss-ease is
a terrible disease to have…
Alot of Times people have so much Diss-ease of
The mind…
& don't even realize why, when, who, or why…
It can be as simple as…..
Example_ I just wanted
Someone who would
listen to & acknowledge me…
Or, Example_ I have a disregulated nervous
System & feel un-happy because
Of fill in the Blank___________
Or, Example_ I feel like I have so much
Diss-ease & I just Don't Know Why…
11… Helping you Identify Who, what, when, were
& why, when it comes to Having
Empowering you to address the
You recognize that you have….
That being said
The reason I say Client centered approach
Regardless of what the reason that
you the client have for wanting
a life Coach in your life is because
Know one knows you better
Then you know your self….. (Period)
Not me
not………. That person,
not (them-they,)
not your neighbors, not your lover
Not your parents….
You are the Expert of your own life just like
I, am the Expert of my own life…
My approach to Evocing
from within you
is Mostly being a Great LListener…
& Kind of Being Like A Mirrior
In your Blind Spots that shows you things
Within (your-them-selves) & around you that you
might not be able
To see fully…. I got your back… ☯️
🐰 Yeah…….
Having You in my corner
as a friend is Priceless, & I'm happy
That you took my advice & started Coaching.
……….. At first you was against it because you
Was having doubts about certain things, but once I explained
To you that
Life Coaches mostly Listen
Floyd Mayweather makes 50 Million
A night for boxing also has Trainers & Coaches…. His Coaches probably dont make 1% of 50 million… So literally anyone is a potential client.
He says he wouldnt be as great as he is with out the people in his corner.
Also Darail
As your friend, trust me
When I say,
most people dont have the mindset
that you have which is 1 of many
Things that makes you
such a great person to talk to…….
I've had years
Talk Therapy & let me tell you, I'd
Rather talk to you any day of the Week…
Thank You my friend. ❤️
Soooooo…… What do you mean Spiritual Person Darail? You mean like Religious? Are you religious?
Chapter 2
***Marquise Diamonds, could even make that Tiffany jealous…
👽Wow……. Thank you Alina…
Thanks for saying that & being a great friend
I'm not religious…
Learn alot from,
& understand religions
For what they are…
Religions are beautiful…
They're basically teachings of Peace & Happiness
Regardless of what the Religion is. Why people
Fight, Kill & War over These teachings,
I have no idea….. 👽Its probably because humans
aren't perfect
And not to far removed from the
Animal kingdom….. Humans are the biggest
Threat to all life on Planet Earth, but that's another
I have nothing against
religions or
To me, some of the
🔑 Key differences between
& Religions are… Religions, mostly
seem to focus on a organized set of beliefs
& or practices shared by a community or group.
Spirituality seems to focus on a mind set of
understandings of peace,
purpose, the meaning of life,
& a deep connection with all life.
Plant life, animal life, human life,
from my view point
(mostly) focuses on what is
believed, as opposed to what is
(Faith-beliving) is sometimes more important then understanding. There is no down side to a coin, both sides are (equally-important.)
I believe N
Chapter 3
***Indra's Light***
Amaterasu the Owl Spirit:
🦉🪶 “In the yoga world, a person's inner Highest-Self is the light within them…” In Sanskrit life Energy translates to the English word breath. Prana-yama in Sanskrit means control of Life Energy. Prana is essentialy (breath-life energy) Yama is control. Pranayama - Control of Life Energy.
🐰Safe to Express..?
Chapter 4
**Energie's With an S**
👽Of course,
you can do
whatever you want.
I've spoken to so
many beautiful
people, different
colors, shapes,
police officers,
all types of mu@#!-%rs
👽One thing that all of these
share in common is,
1- they're all
They always tell me they feel comfortable, because they feel like I'm not Judging-them.
Women especially.
Especially women,
Have always told
me since I was a
Child that I'm such
A great listener.
When I was 12
remember this
older (woman-girl)
that was 19-20
Which is such a young age…
But… To a 12
Year old 19-20 is old…
She would always ask me
to talk to her & It would be
me mostly just listening to her. She
would always tell me your such a
Listener. I was so confused at the
time because I (thought-said) It's not
That hard to listen.
Now that I'm older
I understand fully what she
Was saying. Especially the
Conversations about (Narcassist-vampires.)
LListening in it of itself
could be its own
(book-novel.) Let alone
(NPD - Narc-is-sism)
Alot of Times…………
👽 During
say things like,
“I've never shared that with anyone… 👽… I'm not
Surprised that some people live
There entire lives feeling like
Is it safe to express???
At the same time I learned
along time ago,
that not everyone respects you
Or your time…
will waste your (time-life)
If you let them.
Now to alot of people they might (say-think) what's the big deal its only (time-life.) Now (my-Indra's) response to those people is………
The May-Fly only lives for 1 day. 1 Day to do May-Fly
Stuff then it dies……. THE END…………..
Humans on average according to Google, lives
for 82.2 years on average…
We can just say 83 Summers…
Humans on average live for 83 summers then…
Guess what…? THE END…
83 Summers,
83 Winters,
83 Falls,
83 Springs….
83 Birthdays 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
83 years on average
then life
Is over….
Fun Fact:…… We, meaning humans
Live in the Milky-Way Galaxy…
The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 Million
light years away From us humans…
A light year is a distance like how a mile
Is a distance…. If Humans could travel at the
Speed of light, it would take 1.3 seconds to get
To the moon 🌙 that's how fast light is…
It would take humans 2.5 Million years
To travel from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy
If we traveled at the speed of light…
So what's 83 years in the grand scheme
of things…? 83 years is nothing….
We are Less then May Flies…
83 years is Nothing…
⏳️ We don't Get
foot-prints back
🐰Yeah I Know … Darail,
I've known you for 13
years, and I've never
met anyone like you.
seem to have some type
of enlightened energies
about you. You always
ask me random
Questions that gives me
goosebumps & such a
mix of emotions…
Thank you
You are definitely my weirdest friend, but in a good way.
One of the reasons from my perspective of
Why you connect with people not humans because humans sounds weird… Why do you have to refer to people as humans? Stop doing that,
you will thank me later love.
Your a human to.
Anyway, you have a conscious
Awakeness, your conscious
and most people are unconscious.
When we have conversations you
always make me feel like you understand.
Like your really listening. Remember when
you Explained to me what Love is…?
That was the first time I saw you for the first time…
I've known you for years before that day but for some
reason I never really noticed you… Even when we would be in the same room
you would always feel Like a
Wall Flower thats in there own world…
Almost Like your the only person in the room.
Why do you always
stare at pictures of rocks and sand. There just rocks and it's just sand what's the big deal.
Wassup with you &
Maybe you are a
What's your fascination
with sand?
What's that about?
Chapter 5
**Biting Fruit
Footprints in the sand**
👽I don't have enough time to talk about stones
not rocks… You want to know something cool…
My audiologist told me that I have
Perfect hearing
for Tone & pitch…
She said that, in
10 years of her career,
only 6 ppeople have had perfect pitch…
According to Google… Only
0.01 %Percent
Of the population
has perfect hearing…
That would be like seeing a bunch of
colors & details
That most people dont see… Thats
1 of the reasons why I Love music so much…
👽 Anyway…………………………………..
Sand Is like…
Sand gives me perspective.
Would you like to know something interesting?
In the universe there are more planets
then there are blades of grass on planet Earth. There are more moons
then there are leaves on every plant and tree on planet Earth. The sun, which is a star, is so big, 1 million Earth's can fit inside it. The Biggest Star known,
UY SCUTI, is so big that 5 billion suns,
which is a star, can fit inside it. There are more stars in the universe then there are grains of sand on planet Earth. & Earth has a lot of fucking sand. Not a lot of sand, but a lot of fucking sand. Those are two different types of measurements of sand.
There are hundreds of billions with an s,
of stars and planets in a galaxy. Us, meaning humans, live in the Milky-Way Galaxy. In the universe, there are hundreds of billions with an s,
of galaxies,
with an s, each containing hundreds with an s,
of billions of stars and planets.
A galaxy is a cluster of billions upon billions upon billions of stars, planets, solar systems
with an s, & (gasses-dust) all held together by gravity. I could go on & on.
If I asked someone to count to just 1 billion without stopping to sleep, eat, or move, it would take roughly 33 years. Someone who isn't even 30 years young would still be counting if they started upon birth on second 1 of there birth and didnt stop for any reason.
Alina 🐰 Do you believe in
soul mates…?
Darail 👽 I believe souls mate all the time… Only when
it's Male & Female...
I believe our
are like snow-flake designs. No
has the same design as another.
1 thing that I love about you is the way you say the word go.
You say
go as if its a
2 or 3
syllable word.
You say go'o'o,
like your climbing
a latter…….
It sounds like your
biting a fruit.
Alina 🐰 Maybe me and you are soul mates Darail..!
Sometimes when you look for something
it blinds you from being able to see
what's right in front of you.
Just relax, take a deep breath,
forget about the past, don’t think
about the future,
just be present.
Extend your consciousness
& Open your senses.
Being present is one of the hardest things for people to do.
Darail 👽Yeah maybe…
We are
soul mates in a way.
We are inter-woven like
prayer beads.
Would you like to know something Interesting. In the Bible, the word satan isn't actually the name of a person. (Ha satan) in Hebrew means the adversary, the adversary can be interpreted as an enemy or opponent. That being said an opponent isn’t always an enemy. Satan is a word to describe someone, like the satan or the satans with an s. Satans was a way to describe the enemy. They were known as the satans. Today in modern time, the satans, would be anyone who is clearly an enemy to you. The Abuser, user, freak, exploiter, serial killer, trickster, con-artist, even slanderous gossipers. Someone who's the enemy, the snake in the grass.
Snakes love bunny rabbits.
Especially abusers & users.
You are the perfect type of person that users & abusers are attracted to.
people love you for that reason.
Your like a
wet dream Alina.
That's 1 of the reasons why I'm so protective over you. Someone having
NPD & Someone being a Narcissist
Is 2 different things because of
The spectrum of Narcissism.
When I say Narcissist I'm almost
Always referring to someone who's
So high on the scale they're
Cancerous & Toxic. One thing to
Help me think of people in that
Category is to think of them as
Vampires, because Vampires
& humans are seemingly the same but 2
Different types of individuals…
I'm not implying anyone is (bad-good)
That's a matter of perspective for the most part
I'm just saying there's a difference between someone
Who is high on the scale of (Narcissism-Vampirism)
& Someone who is not……….
And to you………..
(Vampires-PeoplewithNPD) are the same as humans
because you don't know the difference. That being said your Nervous System knows the difference. Your Nervous System is like your 3rd brain.
Your Brain is 1 Brain.
Your Sex Muscle is another Brain.
Your Nervous System is like your 3rd Brain.
Now some people might say your brain brain is like
2 brains because there's Logic & Emotion.
Those people are correct but I just think of your
Brain Brain as 1.
Yin & Yang ☯️
Like 2 Coi Fish Swimming together…
Darail 👽…Alina.
Your so…… Such a
Emotional (person-spirit.) Alina..
It's like your
Emotion Dominant And I'm
Logic Dominant. Which in a way would make us 2
Completely different human beings in how we function
And see the world.
Aside from you being female and me being male.
Alina 🐰 If I was a snake I would be a cute snake, &, King Von is a serial killer, do you think I shouldn't listen to his music.?
Darail 👽Demon Von… I mean King Von is dope, I wouldn't want my child or loved one's hanging out with him…. However on a hip hop level he's
definitely one of the
most talented
that I've ever heard.
At the end of the
you can do
whatever you
Personally I
Try to be mindful,
Of what I listen to but,
I’m always going to
Be a rap fan & fan of hip hop.
He's dope as an
artist the way he paints
his stories.
He even said in
Demon 😈 that
“If I tell you I love you,
I mean it (I mean it)
Whitey got killed (I seen it)
(I seen it) I was right there,
Still can't believe it (damn) Shit turned me
To a
d e m o n/demin
D e m o n…
Police ask me, I ain't seen nun’
Back to back hits like a rerun
Me and T. Roy was schemin/s c h e m o n…”
👽 So I can definitely have some
For him even if he was a serial killer. If that happened
To me at a young age Who knows What decisions
I would of made… Especially If it was
Someone who I really loved that was Killed
Right in front of me.
I'm not making excuses for murder & violence
I'm just saying we are all human……………………..
Shout out to Lil Reese,
Chief Keef,
R.I.P Fredo Santana,
R.I.P King Von
& If he is a serial killer
R.I.P all the people
that Von killed,
God Bless all there families,
the siblings of the victims, the heart broken mothers, 💔 the fathers, the friends….
You never no why
People do the things they do regardless of if it's
Demon Von 😈 or Someone you never heard of. In my
Own life I could of turned out to be a serial killer
Or fill in the blank if My circumstances in life
Would have been slightly different. So I just
Thank God that I didn't witness alot of death - trauma
And thank God that I am the (Person-Spirit)
That I am………… Anyone on Earth could be a
Completely different human being if…….
This didn't happen
Or that didn't happen
Or fill in the blank…………………….. Anyone…
🐰Do you really think I'm smart? I don't feel all that smart & your always talking about things I've never heard of.
Chapter 6
*** Synesthesia ***
👽 Yes I think your a
This is how I see it…
let's say a squirrel,
were to judge the intelligence
of a fish based on the
fish's ability to climb a tree.
The Squirrel would
and think that the Fish 🐟
might not be that Smart,
and the fish 🐟
you Alina,
would be convinced by the
that you aren't that smart
at all.
How would that fish 🐟
live there life with that
limiting belief.?
Not knowing they're really a
(fish-genius.) 🐟 🐠 🐡
Fish don't climb tree's,
squirrels do,
not fish, find one
that does then call me
when you do.
🐰 I see…. There's different
ways to decide what's
Considered smart and
not smart. Like a person
whose a chef is smart
and so is the person paying
The chef to cook
(me-them-us) a meal.
Darail 👽 Exactly…
your a
(fish-genius) is because
your unique.
Your a individual.
There's only 1 Alina
Not 2.
Not only, are you a
you are…
A color, that I've
never seen before…
What are you..?
Chapter 7
**The Color of you**
🐰 Alina B.
Yeah… Same goes
to you..… Your definitely
a color that I've never seen
before Darail
What's your personal
biggest goal in life…?
Chapter 8
** Sour Kush & Coconut Water**
👽 To live life with the understanding that everyone and everything is sacred. Including plants and animals. It doesn't mean I like everyone. Especially toxic people. It's a awareness type of (experience-feeling-emotion.)
Would you like to
know something
The greek word angelos, translates to the English word angel. Angelos means messenger or heavenly-being.
(Angelos-angels) spoke to the humans & delivered messages, directly from the highest.
The highest
or so called Highest, in religions is called (Universal_Consciousness_God.) The Hebrew word malah, translates to the English word angel. (Malah-angel) in Hebrew, means (messenger-malah) or intermediary. Ancient spiritual teachings through-out the world including mainstream religions have had a messenger,
or messengers, with an s, that has always delivered (message-messages)
all through out recorded history of (man-woman-kind.)
The Ancient Astronaut Theory says replace the word (angels-malah) with (extraterrestrials-beings from other planets) and we have a completely different interpretation & (message-story.) The
(messeges) are often over looked & misinterpreted by (people-humans) understandably because humans aren't perfect.
To be perfect means, to not have (Khata-sin.)
In Hebrew, khata, means, to fail or miss the goal… So the question is 1, what is my biggest life goal? & now 2, what is khata, or to miss the goal? 3, What is the goal that humans shouldn't (fail-miss.)
& now 4 what is the message? Also (Mrs. Mr.) Jesus in Christianity was born without the Spirit of (Sin-khata) & was the embodiment of not (failing the goal-understanding that every living being from the blade of grass to the human being including the insects that clime ontop of the blades of grass is sacred beings) which is why (he-she) (was-is) perfect. In my opinion…
The message is,
every being, from the
bumble-bee 🐝
to the human-being,
all life on Earth
aswell as
out -side of Earth… Are
Divine-sacred beings
that should be
treated with honor and
looked at and
viewed as such.
Hinduism - says
Any other view
is simply just a
In the Hebrew B.i.b.l.e
on page 1,
meaning the very
1st-first page - says
a failure to do so
translates to a word
known as khata.
The Hebrew word khata,
means, to fail, or miss the goal.
In English, khata, translates to
a word called
A failure to see
(all beings-life)
as such is
missing the
This is on page # 1…
Not missing the goal,
through the
that I see and
understand the
is Honestly
my biggest life goal.
Any other view
is a misunderstanding.
👽 Aside from that…
That's another Conversation's
with a s…
Alina….. I have to go back to
(Omicron Persei 8…)
👽 Stay safe…
I love you, & God
Alina 🐰 God Bless you to…
Darail… I love you
Chapter 9
**Moon Yagami & Misa Misa**
“I’ll try my hardest to make
you love me… ❤️ I promise”
Misa Amane.. Death Note
Chapter 10
**Studio Sessions**
*Gave love bout 100 tries*
Just running from the demons in your
mind, then I took, yours & made ‘em
*I didn't notice cuz my love was blind*
Halsey… Without you
The End
If it feels good to you, it must be good for you. At the same time, not (everything-everyone) that feels good to you, is necessarily good for you.
My job is not to tell you what to do my friend… My job is to help you Have Clear thinking & Inner Peace/ & you will have clearer thinking aswell as a better sense of Inner Peace, thats guaranteed…….
Darail Indra Payne